Search & Be Found - Get Your Business Found Blog

A better business website and the micro-moment

Written by Ian Jacob | 13/10/2015 11:15:00 PM

While many aspects need covering when designing and building a website to attract potential new business, don’t forget the little things.

Because it’s the little things that bond all the major work in building a top website to maximise returns for your business – and believe me it is very much like a construction project.

Yet before you download our free e-book which dispels 9 website mysteries in simple very terms, think about the following term…….  ‘micro-moment’.


This is by no means a new term, but the world’s most powerful search Engine, Google, recently made reference to its ultimate importance in website success.

A micro-moment is basically a moment of time people engage on your website and/or Google search results.

To make an analogy: if building a new website is equivalent to spending millions on constructing and beautifying your new house inside and out, your front gate could represent the micro moment.

If the gate is ugly, it gives off the wrong impression, or forces you to walk halfway around the house before you can actually see any of the new house, then this represents a micro-moment failure.

In a completely new world where even the smallest of companies have global reach via the web, Google is giving everyone the chance to shine.

But it doesn’t come without due diligence. Know the ins-and-outs of what makes your site tick technically, and know how to dress it up on the visual interface so every visitor is instantly engaged.

There is no point in doing all the construction work to help Google bring more clients to your door if they see no point in knocking.

Remember, there could be just a micro-moment in it.